Mar 07, · Nevada High School Dropout Rate Essay Nevada High School Dropout Rate Highest in the Nation Throughout our nation we are facing a multitude of different problems found in economies, schools and homes. Our nation’s main concern and biggest problem is Students dropping out of school High School Dropouts. 9 September Data shows that low socioeconomic, low parental involvement, and poor support from administrators and educators are among the most important factors that contribute the rise to high school dropout rates. Classrooms are overcrowded and that leaves students without the proper attention from teachers, which leads to students that cannot understand Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins High School Dropout Essay Words | 4 Pages. High school is an extremely important time in a teenager’s life. They are taught many skills that are important to their future. More teenagers are dropping out of school each year for various reasons. The high school dropout age should be raised because it creates a lifetime of challenges
High School Dropouts essays
Data shows that low socioeconomic, low parental involvement, and poor support from administrators and educators are among the most important factors that contribute the rise to high school dropout rates.
Classrooms are overcrowded and that leaves students essay on high school dropouts the proper attention from teachers, which leads to students that cannot understand the curriculum to fall behind, essay on high school dropouts. A great percentage of students get discouraged and leave school before graduation. Administrators, counselors, and community leaders need to come together and involved to target at-risk students so that they can graduate from High school, essay on high school dropouts.
Research has shown that there is still much work to be done in order to decrease the drop-out rates in the United States and the responsibility does not fall on only one factor, but it falls on society as a whole. Source: Microsoft Abstract High school dropout rates keep increasing year after year and society as a whole needs to become aware and find solutions for this social problem. This literature review examines areas in which educators, community leaders, counselors, administrators, and parents can become involved in order to help students stay in school and graduate.
Some issues that will be considered are; is low socioeconomic in families a factor in school dropouts, can overcrowded classrooms and large schools influence students to dropout, will keeping students in schools help unemployment and crime rates to decrease, and will showing personal interest from teachers, parents, and if extracurricular activities will influence students to graduate. Although the rates vary from different studies, most studies show that approximately one fourth of students drop out before graduation.
While much effort is being done to assist students to graduate, educators, administrators, counselors, essay on high school dropouts, and community leaders need to commit to encourage essay on high school dropouts to stay in school by not only giving personal attention to influence the social structure and the environment within the schools but also by providing a number of incentives for students to remain in schools, and involving parents in students education. By keeping students in schools, essay on high school dropouts, educators and administrators are reducing unemployment and crime rates which can be a burdensome on the economy and everyone in essay on high school dropouts communities.
This literature review concentrates on some important questions that can help one essay on high school dropouts and bring a possible solution essay on high school dropouts this social problem: 1. Is low socioeconomic an important factor in student dropout? Can large schools and overcrowded classrooms influence students to lose interest? Will keeping students in schools help reduce unemployment and crime in our communities?
Will sincere personal interest from educators, parental involvement, and extracurricular activities influence students to stay in school and graduate?
Understanding why students drop out of high school and what can be done to encourage students to remain in school and graduate is very important to society as a whole, in order to reduce unemployment and crime within the communities of the United States, essay on high school dropouts.
Is Low Socioeconomic an Important Factor in Student Dropout? In order to understand if low socioeconomic is an important factor in student dropping out from high schools, it is important to acknowledge what the authors Rumberger, et al, ix claim in the that although the research to date has been useful in identifying the wide range of factors associated with dropping out, many of these factors are descriptive or structural and thus reveal little about the underlying processes that actually lead essay on high school dropouts dropout behavior.
For example, numerous studies have shown that family background, particularly socioeconomic status SESexerts a considerable influence on educational attainment in general, as well as on dropout behavior. That is, students from families of lower SES, when such status is often measured by parental education or family income, exhibit higher dropout rates than do students from families of higher SES.
To mention another point of view, Alspaugh, a professor of education at the University of Missouri-Columbia states i although there is a tendency to think of dropping out of school as a phenomenon of low socioeconomic communities, recent studies have indicated that that may not always be the case.
Schools have a great challenge in trying to help students to stay in schools and graduate. Can Large Schools and Overcrowded Classrooms Influence Students to Lose Interest?
Much research has been done to understand why students drop out of school, but little attention has been brought to the school size.
Classrooms are vercrowded in large schools and this leaves students without the proper attention from teachers, which leads students that cannot understand the curriculum to fall behind and give up. A high percentage of students get discouraged and leave school before graduating. A number of students felt overwhelmed by their school, specifically by its size and climate.
Students perceived teachers as uncaring and not interested in their learning, school counselors were described as busy, overloaded, and unable to provide personal attention or support vii. Some researchers suggest that there is an influence on the school size that impacts the dropout rates. According to a model, dropout behavior presented these factors increases identity with the school, which reduces the likelihood of leaving school. viii Studies were done to assess the effect of school size and dropout rates.
The method used for this study was quantitative, and the sample below will show its findings. The sample used was the schools which participated in the High School and Beyond study of the National Center of Educational statistics.
High School and Beyond is a longitudinal study of a national sample of students who were high school seniors or sophomores during spring viii Smaller schools would mean that there can be a better opportunity for students to receive personal attention and there would be better opportunities for extracurricular activities, not to mention higher parental involvement.
It is critical to keep students in schools since this can be the difference between them being essay on high school dropouts to find an adequate job and not end up unemployed or worse yet, involved in criminal acts.
Will Keeping Students in Schools help Unemployment and Crime in our Communities? High school dropout prevention programs are costly; however, when students leave schools without graduating, this can become an even higher cost on society.
Dropout statistics are particularly alarming because jobs that pay living wages and benefits virtually disappeared for youth without a high school diploma. iv In recent years, the competition for high paying jobs is over the roof, and if one cannot present itself with a degree of some sort, at least a high school diploma, the possibilities for attaining such an employment is very low.
The authors of American Educational research Association state the following: For society, the costs of dropout are staggering, estimated in the billions of dollars in lost revenues, welfare programs, unemployment programs underemployment, and crime prevention and prosecution, essay on high school dropouts.
Given these individual and societal consequences, facilitating school completion for all students must be a critical concern for researchers, policymakers, and educators across the country. iv When students find themselves among the 1. million dropouts in the United States, statistics show that the chances of getting a well-paying job are very low.
Dropping out of school without graduating is essay on high school dropouts serious than students can imagine. They can find themselves in poverty and worse yet, committing a crime in order to survive.
Research shows that jobs that require relatively little education are increasingly done by machines or shipped overseas, and individuals who fail to earn a high school diploma are at a great disadvantage when it comes to finding a good-paying job. ii The increase of High school dropout rates can have a high impact on society as a whole and it is a great disadvantage for social programs geared to reduce these rates.
The economy is damaged by having so many dropouts in welfare systems. ii High schools around the nation cannot afford to lose millions of students before they graduate, they need to ensure that adequate attention essay on high school dropouts given to the matter in order to reduce unemployment and crime.
In support to the above research, an article named Catching drop-outs iii states the following: One thing is certain: without a high school diploma, thousands of our children will be relegated to the bottom rung of the economic ladder, unemployed or underemployed; living lives in poverty and crime.
We all lose when children fail. iii Society needs to put forth effort to come together and ensure that students find a reason to stay in school and graduate, even if it means making changes that were not traditional in the past years, essay on high school dropouts. When traditionally accepted programming is no longer effective, it is time to re-examine assumptions and consider alternatives.
xii When one program does not work, it is ultimately important to make changes that allow room for success. Some solutions that need to essay on high school dropouts addressed in order to reduce such high amount of dropouts, are personal interest from educators, administrators, community leaders, essay on high school dropouts, and most importantly, increment parental involvement.
Studies show that there is not just one solution that fits all to solve the issue of high school dropouts in the United States. Many studies show that there are different routes to take to decrease the rates of High school drop-outs and to target at-risk students before they decide to leave school without a graduate diploma. Parental involvement in the education of students is crucial essay on high school dropouts order to influence students to stay in school. When it comes to reducing dropout, counselors and other professionals need to identify models that can be used earlier in the educational process to guide intervention.
Counselors could also develop interventions that teach communication skills and conflict resolutions skills, thus leading to improved family relationship and student-teacher relationships for these at-risk students who are likely to experience relationship problems at home and in school.
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Preventing School Dropout: What You Need to Know
, time: 3:25
According to The article “High School Dropouts Blame Lack Of Parental Support” written by Kelsey Sheehy “ 23% of high school dropouts surveyed cited lack of support and encouragement from their parents as the reason they quit school” (Sheehy). Parents do not show no emotion to High School Dropout Essay Words | 4 Pages. High school is an extremely important time in a teenager’s life. They are taught many skills that are important to their future. More teenagers are dropping out of school each year for various reasons. The high school dropout age should be raised because it creates a lifetime of challenges Mar 07, · Nevada High School Dropout Rate Essay Nevada High School Dropout Rate Highest in the Nation Throughout our nation we are facing a multitude of different problems found in economies, schools and homes. Our nation’s main concern and biggest problem is Students dropping out of school
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